Halloween windows

Every Halloween we seem to get spooky windows in our sitting room. We call them “the ghosts in the windows”. It’s obviously because the weather conditions at this time of year are always quite similar. It always seems appropriate for Halloween though.

The ghosts in the windows

It is spooky that they always appear like this just in time for Halloween.

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Autumn in the garden

The weather has been amazing for October with warm days and sunshine but that is about to change. Cold weather is forecast and yesterday after a sunny morning the temperature dropped as the day went on and in the afternoon we had a hail shower just after I had taken these photos.

My husband has just cleared the veg plot ready for the winter. There is a row of leeks remaining and one patch of potatoes at the bottom left of the photo. He planted the self seeded primulas from the veg plot into little terracotta pots.

The veg plot is ready for winter

A lone, late, flower on the hosta

We have cut the others down but have left this one a bit longer to let the last flower have it’s time.

A late yellow poppy

A late echinacea flower

This shrub is still flowering


Campanula still going

A few late roses

A few fushia flowers

A late anemone

A mass of rose hips

Some red spikes

Himalayan honeysuckle


I love the way the sedum flowers get darker later into autumn but still give a lovely splash of colour.

We always try to last out without putting the heating on until November and I stay in flip flops until then too but last night we gave in and switched the heating on. This morning I put my boots on for the first time since spring.

We are only a few days early and it feels like winter is on the way. I don’t think there will be late summer flowers in the garden for much longer.

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Updated portraits of the girls

I have been trying to get some updated portraits of the girls over the last few days. With a bigger flock it isn’t so easy to get good shots of each of the girls. The five amigos are the most difficult as they are less used to the camera and tend to move away.

It has made me realise that I need to take my camera in more often. When I am cleaning up they move around my hands taking no notice of me but when I pointed the camera at them they moved away.

It’s interesting to see how the flock has changed over the last few months. Spangle and Smoke have had a few little spats and I think Spangle has now taken the top position of the amigos with Smoke in second position. Spangle is the easiest of the amigos to photograph because she doesn’t mind me getting close to her with the camera. She is the least timid of the amigos.

Marmite is bottom of the amigos and is the most timid in general. Even the inseparable Sienna and Jasmine recently had a little spat but I couldn’t tell who won the top position between those two. They remain above the amigos but below Dandelion and Cinnamon.

The other major change is Ebony and Flame’s behaviour and it is a change for the better. They finally seem to have settled into our set up and now always lay their eggs in the middle nest box. They no longer shout when their counter part is in the nest box. Flame no longer runs around manically looking in all the corners of the chicken shed and she has stopped scratching down to the wood in the shed and nest boxes and has stopped scratching the shavings out of the shed and nest box.

Ebony and Flame now go quietly in to the nest box and lay their egg and I can’t tell you how much better that is than the performance they put on when they first came to us. I think that it took them some time to adjust to the change in our nest box set up to what they were used to at the farm but they are settled into the routine with us and have become part of our flock. I almost regretted getting them in the first few months but I am now  much happier with them.

The amigos have also grown up and no longer cheep but have developed their adult voices. They still spend their time together but are also more confident about being apart at times. At bedtime the routine is now quite settled. The amigos perch together on their side perch and all the other girls perch on the back perch.

It is also difficult to get clear photos as the girls are always on the move but this was the best I could do over a couple of days.



Ebony had just had a dust bath so she has a dusty back.




Although cinnamon is slightly blurred due to her movement I felt that this photo captured her character.








Vanilla and Marmite now have their tail feathers back but Marmite and Smoke still have a few pins on their heads.

I am very happy that I have such a lovely flock and they all get along happily. They are such pretty girls and Ebony, Flame, Dandelion and Cinnamon are still laying eggs.

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Our car is settling in

We are getting to know our car and so far we are very pleased with her. A few friends and neighbours have  been round to admire her. Yesterday my youngest son and his fiancee visited to have a look at her and we gave them a spin in her.

Us girls took the back seat and it was really roomy and comfortable and was a very smooth ride.

For insurance purposes we had to provide photos including right side, left side, front, back, interior, milometer and engine. So I thought I would show some more shots of her.

We have renamed her Febe

Her previous owner named her Connie. I have always liked to try to name our vehicles from the letters on the number plate so she has now become Febe (pheobe). I think it really suits her.



This is the engine after my lovely husband spent some time cleaning it. The car is serving it’s purpose of giving my husband a bit of a hobby as well as being a vehicle for us to have fun in.

We have also joined the morris traveller club so we are really getting into the whole spirit of it. It has given us a whole new interest and I feel we are going to have good times ahead with Febe.

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Amazing eggs

I know that I have done a few posts about eggs recently but I am still amazed by our eggs and couldn’t resist another one.

I am amazed that Ebony and Flame are still laying so late into October. Dandelion continues to lay her tiny eggs and Cinnamon has just laid again after a two and a half week break. I am amazed at the size of this egg. Cinnamon always lays quite big eggs for her tiny size but this one was bigger than usual, maybe because it’s the first, after a break.

The latest eggs

They were all laid on the same day so there was no doubt who the eggs were from. On the left is Flame’s white egg, next is Ebony’s egg, next is Cinnamon’s egg which isn’t that much smaller than Ebony’s egg and on the right is Dandelion’s little egg.

I am amazed at the difference in size of the little girls’ eggs especially as Cinnamon is smaller than Dandelion.

We are still getting a plentiful supply of eggs from these four girls and can eat as many egg based meals as we like without running short. I can only imagine how many eggs we will be getting next year when all twelve girls are laying. We will be able to give some to friends and family once more.

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We have our car

We have our car and we are thrilled with it. It is two weeks since we looked at it because of both us being busy and then the sellers being away. We found ourselves with an unusual day off yesterday as we both had no lunch deliveries. We contacted the owners of the car and they were okay with us going to collect it at half past one yesterday.

The lady that owned her was sad to see her go but also glad that we had contacted her to collect at short notice so that she didn’t have time to dwell on the car going. She had owned and looked after the car for ten years but felt that as she was no longer driving her regularly it was time to let her go.

We took my van so that my lovely husband could drive her home while I followed in my van. He was both excited and nervous of driving her for the first time on an hours journey home but it went perfectly.

Once home my husband took me for a spin in her and we filled her with petrol. We then parked her on the drive with my van behind and were pleased to find that both vehicles fitted with a good six inches to spare behind my van. It is unfortunate that we have to have the large bin on our drive too but we need it for our business.

Our, new to us, car

I photographed it at the owners property as there was more space than there would be on our drive.

Morris traveller

And here she is on our drive

We are going to buy a waterproof, breathable, cover for her but it is forecast to be dry and sunny for the next week so we have time to sort that out.

We feel sure that we will have a lot of fun with this car. After twenty years of driving vans we now have a car for ourselves and for pleasure instead of mostly for work. We intend to drive her and enjoy her and look after her as best we can.

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Our flock

I love seeing our flock all together. When I started my chicken keeping journey I thought that I would be happy with just three girls. Over the years it changed into extending the run and extending the flock.

I now love having a flock of twelve and can’t imagine having just a few girls. I especially love those moments when they all come together.

Last night I thought that I would try to capture this when giving out the bedtime corn. As I go up to the run I always talk to the girls and the entire flock run to the bottom end of the  run to greet me. As I walk past the side of the run the girls follow me up.

I go through the gate and the girls crowd around my feet on the patio area. I have to be very careful where I place my feet as I try to move through the girls to the cabinet for the corn.

I usually scatter the corn out into the run so that all the girls can get a share but last night I sprinkled a little on the patio area and quickly snapped a few photos.

Our flock

It’s difficult to get all the girls in shot and Ebony is only just in the foreground.

Having some bedtime corn

What a colourful little crowd the flock is. I scattered their corn into the run and they quickly hoovered it up. They then spend some time scratching to make sure that they haven’t missed a bit. I love to see them like this.

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Dandelion’s eggs are even tinier

Dandelion’s latest eggs seem to get tinier and tinier. I am not complaining though. I would much rather she lays tiny eggs and remain looking happy and healthy.

Dandelion’s latest two eggs and on the left one of Flame’s

I used a fifty pence piece to give a size comparison.

In my hand

They are such sweet little eggs.

Fried eggs

We eat them alongside Ebony and Flame’s eggs. Don’t they look cute in the frying pan!

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Another change to the bedtime line up

Last night the silky girls managed to join the bigger girls at bedtime. I think as it is getting colder they don’t want to perch on their own. Last winter all the little girls joined the bigger girls on the back perch for the duration of winter.

The line up was a bit different then due to changes in the flock. This is the first winter for the silky girls and the amigos. I think the five amigos are a large enough number to keep each other warm.

Last year on the back perch were Emerald, Speckles, Rusty, Freckles, Dandelion, Cinnamon and Apricot.

This year we have Speckles, Ebony, Flame, Dandelion, Cinnamon, Sienna and Jasmine. It’s the same number but different girls due to losses and new arrivals.

The line up at the back

I notice that Dandelion has still managed to perch as far away from the silky girls as possible whilst Cinnamon is in between them.

The five amigos

I have also noticed that is always Spangle who ends up with the outside position.

With two bigger groups perching together I am happy that they will all keep each other warm. I think they have it all nicely sorted out before winter arrives.

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Buds opening

This plant has been in bud for three months from tight buds to almost all open. It’s been unbelievably slow.

Starting to open

These were the buds after two months.

Almost all open

These are the flowers after three months.

As open as I think it will get

I have forgotten what this is. We chose it for a bit of height and didn’t realise it would take so long to flower but late summer colour is always welcome. It has quite a delicate look about it.

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