We went to a classic car show two weeks ago, the first, with our Morris Traveller. I took lots of photos but I had several posts in the pipeline and didn’t get round to doing a post. Then I forgot about it. Then I came across the photos and wondered if it was now too late to do a post.
I talked to my mum on the phone recently and said this to her and she said that she didn’t think it mattered that it was two weeks ago so I decided to do the post now.
The show was on from nine o’clock until six o’clock. It just happened that on that day we had to cater for a christening and needed to deliver the food at half past eleven. This meant we couldn’t get to the show until twelve o’clock.
We had no idea how well attended the show would be. It was local to us but apparently people came from afar. There was a huge queue of cars waiting to get in and classic cars were going in the opposite direction from us and winding down windows to tell us that the show was full and they were being turned away.
We decided to stick with the queue and try our luck as there were some cars leaving the show. When we got to the visitor car park we were held in queue and told that if we wished to wait that for every classic car leaving the show field another classic car could enter the show.
As we got to half way through the visitor car park a visitor left and we were told that we could park in the car park space if we wished. We decided to do so. Even though we couldn’t show our car at least we could see round the show.
Next year we will make sure we don’t take on a function and we will go early. It’s ironic that the first time we took our car to a show we had to park in the car park but at least we didn’t have to go straight home again which would have been much more disappointing.
So to kick start my photos I decided to take one of our Morris Traveller in the car park just to prove that we were actually there!
Our Morris Traveller In The Car Park
And on to the show.
A Row Of Cars
Our Neighbour’s A 30
Morris Traveller
Another Morris Traveller
And another
Morris Minor
Highway Patrol
Ford Anglia
Beautiful Maroon Car Not Sure What This Is
M.G. Sports Car
This Is Pretty, Not Sure What This Is Either
Ford Escort Twin Cam Which My Husband Wanted To Drive Away
We had a great time. It was a hot and cloudy day so perfect as no worries about too much sun. There were so many cars that I could only take a snapshot and tried to take some rows of cars to get more in.
Our neighbours about four doors up have the A 30 that I coveted and it was great to get to chat to them. We agreed we must have a bit of a street get together.
Before we viewed our Morris Traveller we viewed a black A 30 and I fell in love with it so was very interested in our neighbours car. They have had it a long time and have spent a fortune doing it up to an immaculate condition. They have replaced it’s engine with a Susuki engine.
We were going to eat at the show but the queue for food was also a mile long so eventually we got back in the queue to get out of the car park and headed home.
It was an amazing show and every one there was so friendly creating an amazing atmosphere. We were so glad we went even though our car ended up in the car park.