Cat jigsaw

I bought two jigsaws from a charity shop before the lock-down. The doll’s house jigsaw that we recently completed and a cat jigsaw.

In the meantime some friends that we met at a classic car show last year have kept in touch by e-mail and we have been exchanging photos. They do jigsaws too and said they would leave some on our drive. We left our classic car jigsaw on our drive for them to take in exchange.

We were surprised to see that they left us four jigsaws. They are all really busy scenes with loads of detail so should be fun to do. I thought that we should do the cat jigsaw first though as I could see that was going to be a tricky one.

It was probably the hardest jigsaw that I have ever done. My husband found it too difficult and joined in only now and again. He did sort out all the eyes on to a tray but soon got fed up of all the eyes staring up at him.

After completing the outside edge and a few of the easier, bigger, parts I actually felt like giving up as I just didn’t seem able to get anywhere with it. I absolutely hate to give up on anything though so I got to the point where I thought that having completed a bit more I just couldn’t let it beat me.

It was painstaking and I would find just a few pieces at a time. When it got almost to the end my husband joined in again and we finished it together. Hurrah!

The cat jigsaw is started
It is coming along
Making progress
Almost there
Cat jigsaw completed

There was one bit missing, on the yellow cat, half way down on the right hand side.

We are so pleased that this jigsaw is finished, apart from the one missing bit, and we can now start a more enjoyable one.

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Rejuvenating the patio furniture

We have had our main patio set for many years. We had it before moving here and it was inexpensive when we bought it so it has done very well.

After my husband’s excellent job on sanding and varnishing the wood on our classic car he decided to do the same thing to our patio furniture.

First he sanded the chairs and varnished them with several coats and then he sanded and varnished the table. The furniture looks as good as new again and should last many more years.

Chairs with one before sanding and one after sanding
Chair after varnishing
The patio set after sanding and varnishing

Another good job done.

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Something very weird is going on with Marmite’s eggs

A couple of days before Marmite started laying again, after her broody spell, I found a soft shelled egg in the chicken shed one morning.

At the time I put it down to Spangle even though she had never laid a soft shelled egg before. The reason I thought it must be Spangle’s egg was that Smoke and Salmon laid later that day and I thought that Marmite wasn’t yet laying.

After this Marmite looked poorly before laying an egg a few days later. The egg was fine and Marmite seemed to be dropping feathers in a partial moult so I put it down to that.

Marmite then laid three, normal shelled, eggs without a problem before looking really poorly again. This time Marmite looked poorly for a day and a half before she settled in a nest box. She bounced back after laying but I got a shock when I saw what she had laid.

Marmite looking poorly again
Marmite laid the most weird thing I have ever seen laid
It was soft and had no yolk inside

It was at this point that I realised the soft shelled egg in the chicken shed a few days before Marmite’s good egg must have been Marmite’s first egg after her broody spell. I have never seen anything like this before though.

If you look at the first photo it seems to have calcium blobs on the outside but it’s as if the calcium hasn’t formed in the correct way. It is also shaped as if it is half an egg. Even when the girls’ first eggs were really tiny they were round and had yolk in but this one had just white.

Five days later both Marmite and Smoke were in the nest box together. This was just as Smoke was going broody as she always lays one last egg at the start of being broody. This was the first time Marmite was in the nest box since the weird egg.

When I checked the nest box while Smoke was still in it there were two soft shelled eggs.

Two soft shelled eggs in the nest box

The egg on the right must be Smoke’s egg as it is the white colour of her eggs and it has a yolk. The egg on the left must be Marmite’s egg as it is darker in colour, it as a few blood spots on it and it has no yolk.

This was the last egg Smoke laid before being committed to being broody again. Smoke has never laid a soft shelled egg before but this time round she had laid six eggs in a row then missed a day then laid three in a row the last one being this one. I wonder if she has been laying too many eggs in quick succession. Six days in a row is a lot even for Smoke.

Marmite must have an egg laying problem and yet has always laid okay in the past. The next day Marmite went on to lay a normal egg but it did have some little blood streaks on the shell. We have now eaten it for breakfast and it was a normal egg with yolk.

I hope this is just a glitch with Marmite. It is all very odd. Their diet has remained the same and Salmon, who in the past has been prone to laying the odd soft shelled egg, has been laying good shelled eggs and laying more frequently.

We have never had two soft shelled eggs together before. I hope that things return to normal now. At least Smoke will now take a break from egg laying so hopefully that will help her get back to normal.

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Smoke is broody again

Smoke has laid ten eggs in two weeks and has now gone broody again. That means both our best layers are broody together. Smoke is a serial broody and last summer she also laid for two weeks at a time and then went broody.

I lifted Smoke from the nest box and she stayed put
The two broody girls share a nest box
One nest box and four girls

While I was looking in on the two broody girls Spangle and Salmon decided they must look in too.

I may have another go at breaking them out of this as it will greatly reduce our number of eggs having both our best layers broody together. Sigh!

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Flame is broody

Both Smoke first and then Marmite started laying again, a week ago, after they came out of their broody spell. A few days ago Flame went broody.

I hoped like Smoke and Marmite that if I tried to break Flame out of it straight away it might be relatively easy. Not so! I have been locking Flame out of the nest boxes for the last three days and she now sits on top of the nest box instead.

I have decided to leave her to it. There is no point in having her sit on top of the nest box instead of more comfortably inside it. It is a pain as she is by far the best, bigger girl, layer but we will just have to manage without her eggs for a while.

Flame after I have lifted her from the nest box
Broody Flame sitting on top of the nest box with the bucket and gloves blocking the pop hole

While I was taking these photos of Flame, Speckles jumped on my back. My husband was standing at the chicken run gate watching so I handed the camera to him to take a photo.

Speckles on my shoulder

Speckles has always had this habit of jumping on me. When I clean up the run, Speckles follows me, chatting to me and waiting for the chance to jump on me. When I am on their patio area if I bend slightly to look in a nest box Speckles jumps straight on to my back.

Speckles is now my only girl to do this and I think that of all the girls Speckles is the most attached to me. It is quite endearing.

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Another jigsaw

I bought two jigsaws from the charity shop before the lock-down. I had been saving them until after my husband had finished the car as I felt that would be when we would need something to occupy us.

This jigsaw had 1500 pieces which was larger than our recent jigsaws. It wouldn’t fit the cardboard sheet we did the last ones on but we felt that as we won’t have visitors it could stay on the dining room table leaving just enough space for us to sit opposite each other at mealtimes.

It depicts Queen Mary’s doll house and it was a great one to do as there is so much fine detail. The border was difficult as it was repetitive but once that was in place and I had got all the writing in place we began to make good progress with it.

The outside is done
Making progress
It is getting there now
Almost finished

This jigsaw was very addictive and satisfying to do. It took us about a week to do and we really enjoyed it.

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The car gets a makeover

Before the lock-down my husband bought the materials that he needed to sand down the wood on our vintage car and varnish it. The relentlessly wet winter had taken it’s toll on the wood.

In the summer my husband sanded down the wood and varnished it and it was looking good but after a wet winter it had deteriorated to a worse condition than before he had done the work on it.

We have decided that we can’t keep a car with wood without a garage so my husband wanted to get it back to looking it’s best again with a view to selling it once things get back to anything like normal.

First my husband put an awning over the car to protect it while working on it. He screwed the legs of the awning into the concrete underneath the gravel on our drive so that it would stay secure. We have decided to leave the awning in place to offer a bit of protection for the car as we no longer need to load our vans for catering.

My husband had more time to work on the car this time round so he sanded it down further than before and took more time making a better job of it.

The view from our front window
My husband had already sanded the first side before I started taking photos
The back before sanding
The right side before sanding
The back looked really bad
The first side after it has been varnished
The other side is sanded down
The back with half sanded down
The back is now finished
The right side is finished
The whole of the wood is finished

We are really pleased with the result. My husband wasn’t sure that he would be able to get it back as it looked so bad.

We intend to eventually sell the car and one of the vans and then buy another car. The vintage car is much more saleable now. It is a shame but my husband doesn’t want to have to do this every six months/year but what a fabulous job he has done.

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Smoke has become a digger

Smoke has reminded me of Cinnamon lately in that she has taken to digging. I think it may be because I had dug the run over a few days ago, while it was dry, but after a long wet spell.

This means that the soil is perfect for digging as it isn’t wet but is still damp underneath. Smoke has two favourite spots for digging and she digs really deep holes.

At midday I cleaned up the run and filled in her holes. After lunch when I checked on the girls Smoke was digging her hole back again.

Smoke likes to dig a deep hole
Smoke pecking in her hole
Smoke standing in her hole

This seems to be Smoke’s thing at the moment. It is quite amusing to see.

Posted in Chickens | 6 Comments

Frozen spinach for the girls

Yesterday I defrosted some frozen spinach and mixed it in two dishes of mash. The girls loved it. I wasn’t sure how they would take to it but they picked the spinach out of the mash and wolfed it down.

By the afternoon all the spinach and all the mash had gone. I think that’s a success. This is great as I have stocked up the freezer with frozen spinach and this means the girls can continue to have their daily greens.

Spinach and mash
The girls were eager to try it
They like it

I am really pleased that the girls like the spinach. This morning I decided to try it without the mash. I just put the defrosted spinach on their patio area. The girls were happy with eating it like this so that is what I will do from now on.

One problem solved quite easily. It’s great to be able to give the girls their daily greens.

Posted in Chickens | 8 Comments

A yogurt treat for the girls

On Sunday I gave the girls the last of their spinach. I had stocked up with my chicken supplies but there was no point buying more than one bag of spinach as it doesn’t keep for more than a week at most and just goes slimy.

It is a treat not an essential but I think that greens are good for the girls and greens keep the eggs a lovely rich colour.

I have bought some frozen spinach which I thought that I could mix with their mash. I don’t know how well it will go down with the girls but if they don’t like it we can always use it ourselves.

Yesterday I decided instead of the spinach I would give them some yogurt that I have been saving for when the spinach runs out.

The girls have some yogurt
The girls love yogurt
I love to see their yogurt beaks
A very welcomed treat

It wasn’t long before the dishes were empty. I think I can safely say the girls enjoyed their yogurt treat.

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