This morning when I gave out some sunflower hearts, for the first time since Salmon was poorly, she joined in. Salmon gave Shadow the light peck that shows her her place and pecked at the seeds.
A little later I made some scrambled egg, with a little olive oil and water, and added some finely chopped tomato to one side of the dish. I lifted Salmon to the top of the shelter and put the dish in front of her.
Salmon really tucked into the scrambled egg and on this occasion the tomato was ignored. When she had had enough she jumped down from the shelter and I put the dish in the store cabinet to offer it to her again later. Salmon had eaten nearly half the egg. The egg was one of Spangles so it was a tiny egg which was perfect for this purpose.
Later in the afternoon I did this again and she almost finished the scrambled egg. The photos above are from this second offering. Once she was finished I gave it to the flock and Ebony got most of it.
It’s been a lovely sunny afternoon and in the afternoon I was really thrilled to see Salmon having a dust bath.
This is definitely proof that Salmon is feeling more or less back to her usual self. It will also help her with her mucky bottom problem. I am feeling so pleased with her at the moment.
At the weekend I thought she was going to have to be put to sleep. Thank goodness I didn’t give up on her and kept trying to save her.
I know that this may only be a reprieve but I will just take it one step at a time. For now we will have her for a bit longer at least.
I know that her future will depend on what happens when she is ready to lay her next egg. I am hoping this a blip and she will be able to lay normally in future but I know that it can go either way. If Salmon continues to lay soft shelled eggs we could end up here again.
For now I am just so happy that we have overcome this this time and we will have to just wait and see what her future brings.