Flame lays her first egg of the year

Over the last few days I knew that Flame was getting ready to lay her first egg of the year. Flame has been in all three nest boxes and all four corners of the chicken shed over the last few days and has been flicking the shavings out of the nest boxes. I am constantly sweeping up shavings.

Spot also looks as if she won’t be long. She has a red comb and blue lobes and has been looking in the nest boxes. Even Sugar and Spangle have investigated the nest boxes.

Salmon is the only girl not looking in the nest boxes but she too has a red comb and face.

Yesterday Flame finally settled in a corner of the chicken shed. The next time I checked on her she was in the process of laying her egg. What a clever girl. Flame laid her first egg of the year yesterday.

Spot has a red comb and blue lobes
Flame has a red face and comb
Spot is looking good
Sugar and Spangle investigate a nest box
Salmon is looking good
Flame is in the chicken shed putting pine shavings on her back
I caught Flame in the process of laying her egg
Flame’s first egg of the year

It feels like the circle of life to have Flame’s first egg of the year after our recent losses. Well done Flame.

Edit – Some exciting news

I e-mailed the chicken breeder with a courier service (Pippenchick) to see if I could put my name on a waiting list for the three breeds I had chosen which were bantams : chabo, modern game and sussex hybrid. They e-mailed back that they already have in stock chabo and modern game but not sussex hybrid. However they have ardenaise which was the next choice on my list.

I replied asking what I need to do to order them. The lady rang me to talk me through it and said that they could deliver this Friday.

I wasn’t expecting this to be so soon and can’t quite believe it at the moment. They are three and a half months old so are on growers pellets. I will separate the run today to get ready for them. Watch this space for the new arrivals.

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It has been shock to lose Smoke less than two weeks after Shadow. We always thought that she would outlast the other girls as she was so robust, feisty, and had never had a day of not looking on top of her game.

Smoke will be for ever known as the most serial broody ever and a great digger of the deepest holes.

Last year Spangle laid 31 eggs, Salmon 47, Sugar 57 whereas Shadow laid 107 and Smoke a whopping 121. I think this prolific egg laying was what led to Smoke’s sudden departure.

While looking back over four years of photos the theme with Smoke has been many photos of her while broody or making herself look bigger, more than any other girl we have had. I could repeat the same image of Smoke many times over but have just picked a few to capture her character.

The five amigos at three months old with Smoke on the left – Sept 2018
Smoke at six months old
The first time Smoke went broody – Jan 2019
Broody Smoke in the nest box wouldn’t budge for any other girls – May 2020
When broody Smoke liked to make herself big
Smoke would share a nest box with any girl
Smoke and Sugar broody together – April 2021
Smoke loved to dig the deepest of holes – April 2021
Smoke’s head would disappear into her hole
Smoke’s feet sinking into her hole
Smoke has a bit of cucumber – Sept 2021

Smoke was a character and will never be forgotten.

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I can’t believe this is happening again

Smoke looks like she has an egg laying problem. It has been a month since Smoke last laid and I was expecting her to start laying again about now.

Yesterday Smoke didn’t look her usual self. She wasn’t rushing for the treats and she was sitting in the familiar pose of a girl struggling with an egg. I picked her up and checked her and she had a slightly mucky bottom.

Smoke is not looking good

I am so shocked by this as Smoke has always been a good layer and never had a problem before now. Of all our girls I never expected Smoke to run into a problem. Smoke is four years old and is our top girl.

It is heartbreaking to be facing this again so soon after Shadow. The thing that Shadow and Smoke have in common is that they were the best layers by far and they were both the only ones to continue laying in winter. I often think it’s not good for them to lay so many eggs.

It also seems that spring is when problems arise as they come back into lay. I am feeling as if there is some conspiracy against me at the moment and as the girls come into lay I am going to lose them. I know this can’t be true but it just seems that way.

Last spring we lost Marmite as she came back into lay followed by Speckles, at a good age, soon after and it now seems as if it is happening again.

I will see how Smoke goes on today but I know that I must not let her suffer and will have to make a decision to take her to the vet sooner rather than later. I feel very heavy hearted right now.

Smoke has gone

Smoke rapidly went downhill. She was sitting in a hunched position with her eyes closed. The other girls were moving around her but she wasn’t opening her eyes.

Smoke went down rapidly

This was so fast compared to Shadow and I knew I had to take her to the vet as soon as possible. I got an appointment for three o’clock today.

While I waited in the vets Smoke had her eyes closed the whole time and I wasn’t sure she was even going to make it to see the vet.

The vet examined Smoke and said that she had egg peritonitis. She said that she was fluid filled and inflamed. She agreed that the kindest thing was to put her to sleep.

I explained to the vet that most of my seramas lay between thirty and fifty eggs a year but that Smoke laid a hundred and twenty and laid through the winter too. The vet said that her egg laying had exhausted her.

Egg peritonitis is when the egg is laid internally and can be free floating in the abdominal cavity causing inflammation.

I think this was the reason that Smoke went down hill so much faster than Shadow.

The vet was very kind and when I asked if I could hold Smoke she gave her the anesthetic in her vent and settled her on a towel on my lap. Smoke very gently went to sleep while I held her and talked to her.

I will do a tribute to Smoke soon but at the moment I am still shocked by the speed that this has happened. I can’t believe that we have lost another girl so soon.

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We lost our sweet Shadow on Thursday. We got Shadow and Sugar on the eighth of September 2020 when they were about three months old.

It is so sad as she wasn’t yet two years old. She was not only a beautiful girl but she had a beautiful nature too. Shadow was so friendly and easy to pick up. She never minded being handled. She had a lovely chatty nature too.

Most mornings when I would clean out the poop from the chicken shed Shadow would step inside the pop hole and scratch in the shavings beside me. As soon as I stood up and closed the shed door Shadow would bounce out of the pop hole. It was as if she just liked keeping me company.

Shadow had a lovely, distinct, voice. It was a bit husky and she was never one to shout. She would show Sugar that she was above her in the pecking order but it would be with the sort of swift peck that didn’t connect and never any aggression.

Shadow was just so easy around me and she loved to take spinach from my fingers. When I bought her indoors and stood her in a bowl of warm water and cleaned her she would stand still and let me deal with her.

When I would return Shadow to the run she would stand at my feet and wait for me to give her some spinach. Shadow was a little sweetie.

Shadow and Sugar at about three months old
shadow and Sugar have their first dust bath together
Shadow and Sugar at about six months old
Shadow laying her first egg
Shadow was such a beautiful girl
Shadow was always happy to pose for me
Shadow was happy to share a nest box
Shadow poses again
Shadow when moulting last September
Shadow with a yogurt beak last Christmas Day

Shadow is such a huge loss. The flock seems very small and quiet without her. In her short time with us Shadow made a big impression and she will never be forgotten.

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Shadow has gone

I said in the comments this morning that I may have been wrong about Shadow having her next egg stuck as mid morning she was so enthusiastic when I hand fed her some spinach.

I added another comment when I next checked on her and she had gone downhill again. I think that she had just had her last hurrah. I took a couple of photos as I wasn’t sure if her face was paler.

Shadow this morning

Closer up I think her face is still as red but a little later she was back in the position with her back up and her tail down and her eyes were closing. I know that when their eyes are closing this is not good.

Shadow looked miserable and uncomfortable. I knew I couldn’t let her suffer and that it was time to ring the vet. I got an appointment for quarter to three.

The vet was so kind. I explained everything from five weeks ago until now. She felt Shadow’s abdomen and said that she had a large egg stuck and she thought there was a smaller one behind it. I was surprised because Shadow had always laid tiny eggs.

The vet said that she was surprised that Shadow had managed to poop at all. She lifted Shadow’s wings and said that she thought straining had given Shadow some nerve damage.

I can only assume that the last egg, five weeks ago, was also large and had caused the problem and also resulted in Shadow being unable to expel her poop properly.

The vet agreed that the kindest thing for her was to put her to sleep. I asked if I could hold her and she was so kind. She said she would squirt the anesthetic up her vent and then I could hold her.

It would take five to ten minutes for her to gently go to sleep. She pulled up a chair and put Shadow on a towel on my lap and dimmed the light and left the room saying she would return in five minutes to check on us.

The vet came back and lifted Shadow’s eyelid to check her and said that she would leave us a few minutes more. I was of course in tears but the vet was so kind.

I feel so upset that this has happened to such a young girl and can’t understand why after laying tiny eggs Shadow should produce a larger egg.

I have grown so close to Shadow over the last five weeks of caring for her and picking her up every day but I know that it was time to let her go. I will do a tribute to her in a few days time but it is too raw at the moment.

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It’s getting closer to decision time for Shadow

We have been aware that Shadow was on borrowed time until her next egg was ready. We have kept her for a further five weeks since she first looked unwell.

I have continued to pick her up every day and wipe her bottom as clean as I can with tissue. I have then been bringing her indoors every week to stand her in a bowl of warm water and clean her properly.

Shadow has spent a lot of time trying to preen her bottom feathers and I know it bothers her that she can’t keep clean. I feel that bringing her in and washing her must make her more comfortable for a short while.

Shadow yesterday
Shadow spends a lot of her time like this

Yesterday I bought Shadow indoors to wash her again. She is such a good girl and stands still in the water and lets me clean her.

Today I picked Shadow up to inspect and her bottom was mucky again. In fact she was more mucky than before I washed her yesterday.

The most worrying thing is that I can tell by her stance that things are not well. I think she has her next egg brewing.

Shadow today
Shadow with her flock

We recognise this stance, with a hump back and tail down, having seen it many times before. We know that we must make a decision soon because we can’t let Shadow suffer.

At the moment Shadow is still eating and enjoying the treats. I know that if she stops eating it will be her time. I keep hoping that she will go overnight so that I don’t have to make the decision.

I know this is unlikely though. The girls that have gone overnight have been the ones that looked fine the day before. The girls that look unwell continue to look unwell until a decision has to be made.

I find this heartbreaking and dread having to take her to be put to sleep. I think that I will probably know in the next few days though. I keep hoping for a miracle but sadly that’s unlikely.

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An update on Shadow

Shadow seems to be absolutely fine apart from the constant mucky bottom. Of course I know that this means not all is fine.

I have continued to pick her up every afternoon and wipe her as clean as I can with tissue. This isn’t ideal and some poop gets left behind which by the next day sets hard. It is always around the shaft of her tail feathers and her fluffy bottom feathers stay clean.

This means I have to part her fluff to see how she is underneath. Yesterday she had hard poop stuck to her again. It hadn’t set into as big a lump as last time I washed her but just a tube of hard poop around the shaft of her tail feathers.

I think that Shadow is unable to expel the poop and it exits her vent and sits on the shaft of her tail feathers, where any that I can’t wipe off quickly enough, sets hard.

As it was mild yesterday I decided to bring Shadow indoors and wash her properly. I stood her in a bowl of water and gradually softened the poop until I could remove it completely. I then dried her as best I could before returning her to the run.

Shadow is as good as gold when I bring her in. She stands on the towel just where I put her then stands in the bowl of water and lets me deal with her. I stood her back on the towel when I had finished and took a photo.

Shadow in the bathroom after her bottom wash

Now that I had got Shadow properly clean again my plan was to lift her the next afternoon and see if she had managed to stay clean. I was really hoping this was improving but I knew that I couldn’t allow myself to get too hopeful.

I have just lifted Shadow and unfortunately nothing has changed. Already she has a tube of hardened poop around the shaft of her tail feather again. I managed to remove any that was loose but not all of it.

I will continue to clean Shadow each day and bring her in now and again to wash her properly. I know that she is on borrowed time though. This isn’t a permanent solution.

Once Shadow is ready to lay again I know that her time will probably be up. This is so sad. She is such a lovely girl. I wish that I could do more but sadly I know that there isn’t anything more that I can do.

We just have to enjoy every moment we have her. It is heartbreaking.

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The current situation with our girls

Before I do an update on Shadow’s situation I am just going to run through the other girls.

Smoke came out of her broody spell after just a week. She doesn’t seem to be so committed in winter which makes sense. I just left her to it because she was getting herself out of the nest box each day and after a week she didn’t bother anymore. That was a week ago.

I have noticed lately that Flame has slowed down and it has now occurred to me that she is feeling her age. We got her in July 2017 and she stopped laying at the end of the summer and moulted. This means she was at least two years old.

Ebony who we also got in July 2017 laid all winter and didn’t moult that year so she was a first year girl. This means that Flame is at least six years old. She is showing the same signs that Speckles did as she aged.

Flame doesn’t rush to the treats but ambles over in her own time. She spends time just sitting and occasionally also dozing a little. Flame is also always the first to settle in the chicken shed at the end of the day. This was the same as Speckles so I know she is feeling her age as she is fine in every other way.

Flame having a sit, she likes to sit in a corner

Flame is about six years old, Smoke, Salmon and Spangle are four years old, Shadow and Sugar are two years old and Spot is about eight months old.

When I first started keeping chickens I had read that they could live to twelve years old and indeed some owners have girls of that age. I now realise that is like saying that we can live to a hundred years. Some people do but that isn’t the average. I have now read many times that the average lifespan of chickens is between four and eight years old and I think that is more realistic.

Speckles was eight years old and definitely had the look and manners of an old girl.

Now on to Shadow’s current situation.

Shadow this morning

I think that something mechanical has gone adrift inside Shadow. Shadow is happy, chatty, active, eating well and looking good, with a red comb and face, as you can see in the photo of her this morning.

But and this is a big but, Shadow is not able to eject her poop properly. She constantly has a mucky bottom and I am picking her up at the end of each day and cleaning the poop from her with tissue.

Yesterday as an experiment I decided to miss a day and see what would happen. Today she was constantly trying to preen her bottom. I picked her up to check and where I hadn’t cleaned her yesterday her poop had set hard as stone around the base of her feathers.

There was no way I could remove the hard ball without softening it in water. I brought her in and stood her in a bowl of warm water. I worked at the ball until it softened and I could remove it then dried her with a towel. I had only wet the feathers around her vent that I was working on.

This has proved to me that I need to clean Shadow each day. I know that if she can’t poop then it is unlikely that she will be able to lay eggs either. I feel that I have to keep doing what I am doing to have her as long as possible but when she is ready to lay again I will probably have to take her to the vets to be put to sleep unless a miracle happens.

I don’t want to take Shadow to the vets now while she has a good quality of life. Luckily Shadow is the tamest girl ever and easy to pick up and she doesn’t hold it against me. Shadow doesn’t stay away from me afterwards but just seems to accept my interventions.

If Shadow was a nervous girl who stressed at being picked up I wouldn’t be doing this . Shadow just takes it in her stride and I can tell she is happy by the way she behaves.

It is so sad but I feel that we must make the most of having her for a bit longer but must ready ourselves for this being a temporary reprieve.

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Shadow is getting better each day

Yesterday was the first day that I let Shadow fend for herself since she became unwell. She had had tylan for seven days so yesterday was the first day without it. It is recommended to be given for five days but I gave it for seven days to give Shadow as much help as possible.

I finally saw Shadow eating pellets yesterday and I gave the girls mash which I also saw Shadow have. I gave all the girls chopped tomato and Shadow was able to hold her own amongst the flock. It helps that Smoke is broody and in the nest box because she is the one to chase the girls from the treats.

I haven’t heard Shadow squeak when pooping and her bottom isn’t so mucky but there was still a blob of poop stuck to her vent which I removed with tissue. She does appear to be getting back to normal but only time will tell if there is something wrong inside her.

I have made the decision not to have any more seramas in the future. I think that they are so delicate and I feel that I can’t keep going through this. I absolutely love seramas so it’s not an easy decision but it is breaking my heart to keep losing or nearly losing them.

There are other bantam breeds that I would like such as sebright, dutch bantams or other colours of hamburgs but there are no breeders of these near us. I like my girls small, with no feathered legs or feet, no crests or beards and in a variety of colours.

So I have looked at non bantams that are a fairly small size and have found a breeder close to us that has some lovely breeds. I am thinking in the future of possibly getting a black star and an amber star. The black star is black with a gold necklace and the amber star is white with amber flecks on the back. They are hardy, easy to tame, quiet and good egg layers.

This is just something I am thinking of for the future because I know it is uncertain if Shadow and Salmon will be able to lay without further problems. I don’t want to keep finding myself here again. I can’t bare to see these little girls struggle and it’s so stressful worrying if I can save them or not. It bounces my emotions up and down.

My bigger girls, Toffee, Emerald and Speckles got to a good age of about eight years. I haven’t so far had a serama for longer than four years and have lost some between one and two years. Shadow only started laying in February last year and isn’t yet two years old.

I find it so upsetting when they run into egg related problems at such a young age so this is what my thoughts are at the moment. I am still hoping that Shadow to get through this but I know that I have to ready for a possible set back when she starts laying again.

It’s a shame we can’t tell them to stop laying but nature will take it’s course.

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More hopeful for Shadow at the moment

I am growing more hopeful for Shadow. Today I haven’t heard her squeak when pooping. I have been able to clean her bottom by wiping it with tissue and there is no longer a sickly smell.

It has been frosty and I don’t want to wet her while it’s so cold so it has been good to be able clear her bottom with a dry tissue. Shadow has been eating seeds, tomato and spinach. I haven’t seen her go to the pellets today but I hope that she may be doing so when I am not watching her.

Shadow has looked more alert and this afternoon she had a dust bath. This is a good sign and I hope that she will be able to clean herself by dust bathing.

Shadow and Smoke dust bathing
Shadow dust baths while Salmon watches over her

I really want to see her without a mucky bottom to be sure that she is back to normal but at the moment everything is gradually improving day by day so I am feeling more hopeful.

In other news Smoke went broody yesterday. The photo of Smoke dust bathing with Shadow was when she took one of her breaks from the nest box.

Smoke has laid twenty three eggs in five weeks which has been a really good run for her. This is about twice as many as she usually lays before going broody.

I am still keeping every thing crossed for Shadow and taking it a day at a time but it is looking more encouraging. I will keep updating here as we go along.

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