I have moments of thinking that the girls are improving and then they seem to slide back again. For three days I didn’t hear wheezing and and didn’t see any bubbles in their eyes. Yesterday afternoon they were perched in the shelter and I could hear the slight wheeze in Freckles and Dandelion’s breathing and once again they both had bubbles in their eyes.
Today I haven’t seen any bubbles but sometimes it may be a case of which moment I am watching them. The fact that both Freckles and Dandelion are moulting is really not helping matters, especially with it being so cold.
The forecast is for milder weather to come so I hope that will help them. I am resigned to this taking a long time and now wonder if I will need to keep them on tylan through the winter. I am continuing the daily regime of tylan in the water and three dishes of mash made with tylan water and a teaspoon of crushed poultry zest.
I have said before that I wonder if Cinnamon is the most well because she eats the most and therefore gets a bigger dose of tylan. She is the smallest girl of all of them but has always been the one constantly feeding and always looks lopsided at bedtime because her crop is so full. Her comb is also the most red. She was also the only one still laying until recently but hasn’t laid for the past week.
I would think Cinnamon had escaped this if it wasn’t for hearing the occasional sneeze. Apricot only sneezes occasionally too but has had the wheeze in her breathing but that seems to have gone now. Freckles and Dandelion have been the worse effected with wheezing, eye bubbles and sneezing and Freckles sneezing the most of all.
The two bigger girls, Emerald and Speckles don’t seem to be effected, thank goodness. I am very up and down with how positive I feel about this but I think that for now there is nothing more I can do but carry on doing what I am doing and just keep hoping they will get better.