Snow’s first egg of the year

After checking out the nest boxes for the last couple of days today Snow settled in the nest box.

Snow is back in the nest box
Snow is settled in the nest box

When I next checked on Snow she was back out in the run. I checked the nest box and there was her egg.

Snow’s first egg of the year

On the left is Snow’s egg laid today, in the middle is Red’s egg laid yesterday and on the right is a medium shop bought egg for size comparison.

Well done Snow! That is early in the year to start back laying. It will be great to have a few more eggs at this time of year.

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8 Responses to Snow’s first egg of the year

  1. DAVID says:

    Brilliant, Carol! Her feathers look superb, but it seems she’s one of those birds who never looks particularly red, even when in full lay.

    • Carol says:

      She is beautiful. Her face and comb are fairly red but perhaps it doesn’t show in the photographs. Red’s comb is a brighter red. I was surprised that she is laying this early and she made no fuss either.

  2. DAVID says:

    The system said my previous comment on the previous post was Spam. When I tried again, it said it was a duplicate comments and I’d already said that, but nothing seems to be there. I did write a comment about Sugar – having already spotted the latest update on Snow and egg laying.

    • Carol says:

      How odd. There is no comment on the previous post. I assume you would have said something positive about Sugar. She is definitely looking livelier. I realised today that when I commented she has sad eyes I am probably mistaking that she has old eyes compared to the rest of the girls who are younger.

  3. DAVID says:

    Really good news about Sugar – a bit of sunshine can really work wonders with our older girls.

    I copied the comment I made – hereabove.
    I’m going to try again on the previous post. 🙂

  4. marionparo says:

    Lovely she has started laying again quite early, she is looking good.

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