Cloud in the nest box and first slow worm of the year

Yesterday I managed to catch Cloud in the nest box before she laid her second egg of the year. I don’t quite know why but I like to get a photo of each girl in the nest box as they start to lay.

Cloud in the nest box

Today I had the first sighting of the year of a slow worm in the garden.

The first slow worm I’ve seen this year

We know we have a thriving population of slow worms in our garden because we always see them between March and September. This one was a medium sized one. It’s always good to see them for the first time of each year.

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Worming the girls

I usually worm the girls in March and September. I have been waiting for Snow to come out of her broody spell to start but then Gold went broody. I decided to get on with it as there will probably be a succession of broody girls.

I always mix the flubenvet powder into mash in four little dishes for seven consecutive days. This means all the girls get some and is an easy way to do it.

Worming the girls
They all get a share

Gold doesn’t seem too committed as when she hears me come through the gate she pops out to see if I have any treats. She had her share and then returned to the nest box. Each girl got stuck in straight away so it is very easy to do.

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Cloud’s first egg of the year

I missed getting a photo of Cloud in the nest box. She was going in and out of the nest box by the gate but by the time I grabbed my camera she was back out. I then went indoors for lunch.

After lunch I went back out with my camera. There was a warm egg in the nest box by the gate and Cloud was at the water with a bit of pine shaving on her back.

Mango and Cloud seem to do every thing in unison so I had been expecting Cloud to lay soon after Mango.

Cloud at the water with a little bit of pine shaving on her back
Mango’s egg on the right and Cloud’s egg on the left

Their eggs are very similar with Cloud’s egg just a little longer and more pointed than Mango’s. Well done Cloud!

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Mango lays her first egg of the year

Today there was a lot of nest box activity. Mango has been squatting, vocal, going to the grit and oyster shell and looking in the nest boxes so I knew she was on the verge of laying her first egg of the year.

Mango in the nest box
Having a twirl round
And out again

There has been lots of flicking pine shavings out and Mango was very interested in Gold who was in the next nest box.

Mango is very interested in Gold
Is she checking for eggs!
Finally Mango settled in the nest box by the gate
Mango has laid her first egg of the year
Mango standing over her egg
Red finds Gold in her favourite nest box

Red is a creature of habit and only lays in the nest box next to the chicken shed. She was unhappy about Gold occupying her favourite spot and there was some growling from these two girls.

Mango checks them out

The dispute attracted Mango to go and investigate. Once Mango left the nest box I lifted Gold intending to move her next door but found that she had actually laid her egg so I put her out in the run. Red soon settled to lay her egg.


On the right is Storm’s egg and next to it is Mango’s egg which is a good size. Next is Gold’s egg and on the left is Red’s egg.

Gold has been spending more and more time in the nest box over the last few days. Although she laid today she later returned to the nest box so I suspected she was broody. She has laid ten eggs in just over two weeks. It seems to be a pattern that as one girl starts laying another stops.

For the rest of the day Gold stayed in the nest box and returned after each time I lifted her out. She is definitely broody.

The broodies seem to be starting early this year, sigh!

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A yogurt treat

I gave the girls some yogurt this morning.

The girls having some yogurt
Yogurt treat

I love doing this and getting group photos. The girls get yogurt splattered all over themselves but when I return later they are all cleaned up. They are very good at cleaning each other and the dishes look almost licked clean.

They do love a yogurt treat.

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Snow is through her broody spell already

Snow was out in the run this morning instead of in the nest box. I expected her to return to the nest box but she stayed out in the run all day. After only three days of being broody she is done with it already.

Snow is such an easy broody girl. She allows me to take her out without any protest and always goes to the food and water and then preens or dust baths before returning to the nest box. She allows me to perch her at bedtime and stays put.

I think this may be why Snow comes through it so quickly. I looked back at last year’s egg records and when broody she only took a two week break each time before she started laying again. This means it won’t be long before Snow is laying again.

Snow is through her broody spell

Autumn is still sitting in the nest box every other day. She puts a few pine shavings on her back and comes out shouting but no egg. I am now certain she won’t lay again but the odd thing is that she doesn’t seem aware of that.

Autumn having her sit in the nest box
Gold in the nest box with her wing over her egg
Red in the nest box
Sugar soaking up the sun
Mango and Cloud in the sun together
Storm in the sun
Gold close up

Gold is hard to photograph without it being really close up. As soon as I point the camera at her she is right in my face so I thought I would go with this photo as it’s so typical of her.

Autumn and Sugar having some apple
Mango and Cloud sharing some apple in unison as usual

A happy flock of girls and still plenty of eggs with plenty more to come.

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The first broody of the year

On the same day that Storm laid her first egg of the year Snow laid her last egg before going broody. We had one day of four girls laying before it dropped back to three.

Snow has laid seventeen eggs in one and a half months.

Broody Snow in the nest box

Luckily Snow is a docile broody. I have been lifting her out for a break and she goes straight to the food and water and then back in. I am also lifting her from the nest box at bedtime and perching her in the chicken shed. She accepts being perched and stays there.

Storm approached Snow when I lifted her out and Snow puffed herself up. I didn’t get to my camera quick enough but the next moment Snow did her “look how tall I can be” pose and I caught that instead.

Snow making herself tall

Snow does look beautiful in this pose and her face is very red. For now I am going to leave her to it as there are three girls laying and Mango and Cloud will probably start soon too so it’s not possible to close the nest boxes. I will just make sure she gets plenty of breaks.

Luckily there are still plenty enough eggs for us.

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Storm’s first egg of the year

Today at last Storm settled in the nest box. She has been very vocal leading up to this. Red and Snow were already in the nest boxes so after much fuss Storm settled in the third nest box by the gate.

Storm in the nest box

A little later Storm had laid her first egg of the year. Storm lays quite a good sized egg for her small size.

Storm’s egg on the left

Red’s egg is on the right then Gold’s egg then Snow’s egg and Storm’s egg on the left. Well done Storm. We now have four girls laying and plenty of eggs.

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Another day in the chicken run

Today Mango and Cloud were the helpers of the dust bath rather than dust bathing themselves. They love to help with dust bathing and do this together too.

This time Mango and Cloud help with a dust bathing girl
Helping Red, together

Autumn once again sat in the nest box for about half an hour and then came out shouting as if she had laid an egg. There was no egg though. This is the same behaviour as last year after February first so I am now convinced that she probably won’t lay again.

A hen is hatched with all the eggs she will ever lay and these eggs develop within her ovaries. They have all the eggs they will ever produce stored as ova within their ovaries.

If a hen is a sporadic layer she may lay her quota of eggs over a longer period of time. If a hen is a prolific layer she may lay all her eggs over a shorter period of time. A hen may slow right down when older and then suddenly lay an odd egg in later life.

If a hen is stressed or unwell she will stop laying but once she is well again she will resume laying.

I wonder if Autumn only had forty five eggs when hatched and is now finished. We will never know until such a time as she lays again or doesn’t lay again.

Autumn’s instincts are obviously telling her that she should be laying. Eggs are not stuck or backing up though or she would be very unwell. This makes me think that the eggs may have run out but she doesn’t know that.

Snow’s eggs are so tiny that we have two each at a time. They have lovely orange yolks. We had these for breakfast today.

Snow’s lovely little eggs

They were delicious!

When I lifted Mango to put her in the chicken shed last night she too squatted. Mango and Cloud’s combs are red too. I think all three game girls will start laying soon and we will have lot’s more lovely little eggs.

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The latest in the chicken run

Yesterday Autumn settled in the nest box again. Once again she was in there for about an hour and then came out without laying an egg.

Autumn in the nest box

I am now thinking that this isn’t a practice and maybe she isn’t going to start laying after all. Last year she started laying in October and continued to lay up until her last egg on the first of February. This is about when some girls start to lay and I would have expected her to continue laying. She had laid forty five eggs.

Not only that but Autumn didn’t resume laying through the summer. But after she had laid her last egg on first of February Autumn continued to sit in the nest box every other day as if she expected to lay. I had wondered if she would start laying again this spring but she is now following the same pattern of sitting in the nest box but not actually laying.

I wonder if she is one of those girls who don’t lay many eggs and she has already come to the end of her laying period. In the past Topaz who was a bantam gold laced wyandotte only laid eight eggs. If Autumn continues to sit in the nest box without laying then I think it’s likely that she may not lay any more.

The odd thing is that she obviously thinks that she should be laying and goes through the motions. Only time will tell.

Red, Snow and Gold continue to lay every other day and sometimes two days in a row meaning that some days we are getting three eggs a day. Storm continues to be very vocal and I think she will be next to lay.

Mango and Cloud are still the most bonded and together, chooks we have ever had. They do absolutely everything together and yesterday were dust bathing together.

Mango and Cloud dust bathing together

I have now finished treating Sugar’s legs and feet and she has bounced back once more. I am hoping that like Autumn, Sugar will be okay now.

Sugar is looking good
Sugar has bounced back again

So for now everything is good in the chicken run, touch wood! Even if Autumn doesn’t lay there will be plenty of eggs once the other girls start laying so all is well.

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